Monday, December 15, 2008

not me!

NOT ME! Monday again and being the very imperfect person that I am I love to blog about the nutty stuff I certainly did NOT do.......

I did NOT wipe the new puppy's derriere with a baby wipe (huggies even) whenever he pooped outside before bringing him in.

I did NOT get caught by another mom at the school while doing the act in the sentence above and she did NOT exclaim, "Wow! You are ...ummm...NICE!~"

I did NOT buy myself more than one (cough) venti peppermint mocha twist from Starbucks for every Christmas shopping trip I made this week!

I did NOT bribe Rachel with snacks so that she would smile and act great during her photography session this past Tuesday.

I did NOT drive around for hours to get aforementioned new puppies this past week and get lost..several times....not me. My kids did NOT know their way around better than I did!

I did NOT have to ask them if the light was red or green because they have better vision than I do. After all, I am the driver, right?

Have a great Monday!

1 comment:

Alicia The Snowflake said...

I am not addicted to Starbuck's Peppermint Mochas either. Nope not me. And I have never bribed my child to do anything. Not at all ;o)

Have a great Monday!